Metal Roofing Maintenance Checklist: How to Best Care for a Metal Roof

Metal Roofing Maintenance Checklist: How to Best Care for a Metal Roof

Many homeowners consider installing a metal roof because it’s low maintenance and durable enough to last more than 40 years. Fortunately, the upkeep required to maintain a standing seam metal roof is also minimal, especially when a professional roofing company Dallas installed the roof. That said, homeowners shouldn’t overlook performing regular metal roof maintenance, as it could make or break the roofing system, mainly if there is any serious problem. This article guides an individual on the basics of metal roof maintenance. 

Surface Maintenance to Perform on a Metal Roof

Here listed are surface maintenance tasks that a homeowner can perform to maintain their metal roofs:

  •       Clean out Gutters and Drains

Gutters and drains installed in the roof are popular spots for leaves, dirt, and other debris to build up and clog them, accumulating water. This standing water can further erode the metal roof material and deteriorate it. Homeowners must clean out the gutters and drains at least once a twice year to prevent this situation. 

  •       Make Sure that No Other Metals and Materials Touch the Roof

It might seem unlikely for metal or other materials to end up on the metal roof, but it’s a possible cause for concern. Different materials touching the metal roof could lead to chemical interactions resulting in early staining, degradation, or potential failure of a roofing system. Homeowners must see to it that no other materials touch their metal roofs. Moreover, any penetrations added to the metal roof must be handled by an experienced roofing contractor. 

  •       Look for Chipping, Scratches, Flaking, or Excessive Fading
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Like any painted surface, metal roofs could be subjected to scratching, scuffing, flacking, or excessive fading. Homeowners should check for these issues and immediately address them to prevent further damage. 

Structural Maintenance to Perform on a Metal Roof

The following structural maintenance usually requires a roofing company Dallas acquainted with trained contractors:

  •       Check and Fix Fasteners, Screws, and Rive

Fasteners, screws, and rivets that attach the panels to a specific structure are designed to withstand for long on metal roofs. However, checking them to ensure they aren’t crooked, loose, angled, or missing is still vital. It is essential for exposed fasteners in metal roof systems, as compromised fasteners or screws can lead to a potential leak zone. 

  •       Checking and Replacing Sealant

A sealed metal roof can protect the house from water, wind, dirt, and other substances. These sealants need to be touched up or replaced at regular intervals.

  •       Checking and Fixing Lose Panel Seams

The integrity of panels and seams holding the panels can make or break a metal roof. So, checking for loosened, moved, or dislodged panels and loosened or damaged seams is crucial. The roofing contractor should also ensure enough space for thermal movement to expand and contract.


Regular metal roof maintenance is crucial to preserve and protect the metal roofing system for a long. And the best way to ensure correct and safe roof maintenance is to hire a professional roofing company Dallas. It will save homeowners time and money on expensive repairs or replacements.