5 Health Benefits of Salmon


How healthy is salmon? This is a good question to ask considering that salmon is a greasy fish with high quantities of fats. The best part is that this specific fat is completely safe for your skin and heart and is healthy.

Salmon is a good food source for the brain and heart. Research has shown that consuming 0.45g to 4.5g of omega-3 fatty acids can greatly alleviate inflammation, reduce blood pressure, and bolster heart functionality. Salmon also boosts cognitive functioning because of DHA – an omega-3 fatty acid.

It’s important to bear in mind that wild salmon is more nutritious compared to farmed salmon fish. The farmed salmon is nurtured on a non-natural pellet-based diet, instead of the natural diet comprising smaller fish, flies, and crustaceans which would be available in the wild. Taking this into account, it means that if you get salmon from a fishery, you won’t experience the same health benefits as with a wild-caught salmon. As a side point before going further into the articles if you are looking to try another type of smoked fish then one I would recommend is Smoked Eel.

Some Of The Health Benefits Include:

1. Boosts The Circulatory System

Salmon is rich in potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-6 and -3 fatty acids mixed with potassium significantly promote heart health, as they maintain balanced blood pressure levels, decrease cholesterol levels, and alleviate artery inflammation. Potassium assists in preventing extra fluid retention and regulating blood pressure. Therefore, consistent intake of salmon can considerably lower heart-related medical ailments, including high triglycerides, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, strokes, and heart attacks.

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2. Restores damaged tissues

Salmon is a great protein source. On top of essential nutrients, the human body needs a constant supply of protein since it’s the building block for muscles, bones, blood, skin, and cartilage. It assists the body in repairing and restoring tissues following an injury; maintains muscle mass; and protects bone health. Moreover, it regulates the metabolic rate and bolsters bone strength and density.

3. Excellent vitamin B complex source

Salmon has the whole vitamin B complex group – B12, B9, B6, B5, B7, B3, and so forth. Vitamin B plays a significant part in regulating bodily functions. The B group works in liaison to convert ingested food into energy, repair and create DNA, and decrease inflammation. From the entire range of B vitamins, salmon is especially rich in vitamin B6 and Vitamin B3 (niacin). Vitamin B6 boosts brain health while Vitamin B3 reduces cholesterol levels. Additionally, salmon contains sufficient quantities of B12 which is responsible for the nervous system and brain functioning, various metabolic processes, and hormonal balance.

4. Assists in proper thyroid function

The primary function of selenium is maintaining correct thyroid functioning. A decent salmon part can offer a substantial quantity of selenium. This particular mineral safeguards the thyroid gland from getting oxidative damage resulting from the creation of the thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone is created when thyroid gland cells give off hydrogen peroxide.

5. Promotes brain health

The high amount of DHA levels work together with the Vitamin D and Vitamin A, and selenium contained in salmon to promote and boost functionality in the brain. As a matter of fact, omega-3 fatty acids are used in treating mental conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. What’s more, when soon-to-be mothers consume salmon during the entire gestation period, it can help in boosting foetal health along with brain development.